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The Performance of Ankle- and Waist-Based Accelerometry in Quantifying Physical Activity Intensity Among 6- to 24-Month-Year-Olds: A Semistructured Laboratory Study
Dorris et al.
Area of interest: Children
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Risankizumab in Japanese patients with moderate-to-severe palmoplantar pustulosis: Results from the randomized, phase 3 JumPPP study
Okubo et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
From Research to Application of Wearable-Derived Digital Health Measures—A Perspective From ActiGraph
Wyatt & Guo.
Area of interest: Other
Upper limb movements as digital biomarkers in people with ALS.
Straczkiewicz et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Movement Characteristics
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Wearable Sensors to Monitor Physical Activity in Heart Failure Clinical Trials: State-of-the-Art Review.
Buendia et al.
Area of interest: Cardiology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Diagnosis of disease affecting gait with a body acceleration-based model using reflected marker data for training and a wearable accelerometer for implementation.
Takallou et al.
Area of interest: Cardiology
Measurement domain: Gait & Balance
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior as Treatable Traits for Clinical Control in Moderate-to-Severe Asthma
de Lima et al.
Area of interest: Respirology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Remote monitoring of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using wearable sensors detects differences in disease progression and survival: a prospective cohort study
van Unnik et al.
Area of interest: Rare diseases
Measurement domain: Movement Characteristics
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Hearing Impairment and Physical Activity and Physical Functioning in Older Adults: Baseline Results From the ACHIEVE Trial
Cai et al.
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Circadian rhythm analysis using wearable-based accelerometry as a digital biomarker of aging and healthspan
Shim, Fleisch & Barata
Measurement domain: Sleep, Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Associations between circadian alignment and cognitive functioning in a nationally representative sample of older adults
Leahy et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Self-supervised learning of accelerometer data provides new insights for sleep and its association with mortality
Yuan et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Reallocating just 10 min to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity from other components of 24-hour movement behaviors improves cardiovascular health in adults
Ji et al.
Area of interest: Cardiovascular
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Identifying the most representative actigraphy variables reflecting standardized hand function assessments for remote monitoring in children with unilateral cerebral palsy
Hwang & Kwon
Area of interest: Children, Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Quantifying the effects of sleep on sensor-derived variables from upper limb accelerometry in people with and without upper limb impairment
Miller et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Domain Adversarial Convolutional Neural Network Improves the Accuracy and Generalizability of Wearable-based Sleep Assessment Technology
Nunes et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
A Walkthrough of ActiGraph Counts
Neishabouri et al.
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
In-Clinic and Natural Gait Observations master protocol (I-CAN-GO) to validate gait using a lumbar accelerometer
Welbourn et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Gait & Balance
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
A data-driven approach to detect upper limb functional use during daily life in breast cancer survivors using wrist-worn sensors
Emmerzaal et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Movement Characteristics
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Exploring the effect of sedentary behavior on increased adiposity in middle-aged adults
Macias et al.
Area of interest: Body Mass
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Ponsegromab for the Treatment of Cancer Cachexia
Groarke et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Implementing sensor-based digital health technologies in clinical trials: Key considerations from the eCOA Consortium
Izmailova et al.
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Accelerometer-based measures in Friedreich ataxia: a longitudinal study on real-life activity
Fichera et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
The association of 24-hour behavior rhythms with stroke among American adults with prediabetes/diabetes: evidence from NHANES 2011–2014
Gu et al.
Area of interest: Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Light exposure differs by sex in the US, with females receiving less bright light
Danielle A. Wallace
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Other
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Fibrotic Lung Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial
Nathan et al.
Area of interest: Respirology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Real-world Measures of Functional Gait in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using Wearable Digital Health Technologies (MDA Scientific Poster)
Pilkar et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Gait & Balance
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
A quality control framework for sleep metrics and its impact on association analysis with demographic and health outcomes in a large cohort study (SLEEP Scientific Poster)
Liu et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Wearable device and smartphone data quantify ALS progression and may provide novel outcome measures.
Johnson et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
PsABIOnd Study and eDaily Substudy Design: Long-Term Effectiveness and Safety of Guselkumab and IL-17 Inhibitors in Routine Clinical Practice in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis.
Siebert et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity, Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Association of Accelerometer-Measured Sedentary Time and Physical Activity with Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Aging in the General Spanish Population
Gómez-Sánchez et al.
Area of interest: Cardiology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
The Use of Wearable Devices in Oncology Patients: A Systematic Review
Chow et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Free-Living Peak Cadence in Multiple Sclerosis: A New Measure of Real-World Walking?
Zheng et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Personalized relapse prediction in patients with major depressive disorder using digital biomarkers.
Vairavan, et al.
Area of interest: Psychiatry
Measurement domain: Physical activity, Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Measuring What Is Meaningful in Cancer Cachexia Clinical Trials: A Path Forward With Digital Measures of Real-World Physical Behavior.
Aryal et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Physical activity and social cognitive theory variables among persons with multiple sclerosis and elevated anxiety
Šilić et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Pre-stroke physical activity is associated with post-stroke physical activity and sedentary behavior in the acute phase
Tanaka et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Effects of exercise on sleep in children with overweight/obesity: a randomized clinical trial
Torres-Lopez et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
40 years of actigraphy in sleep medicine and current state of the art algorithms
Patterson et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Comparative Analysis and Conversion Between Actiwatch and ActiGraph Open-Source Counts
Lee et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Addressing Unmet Needs for Clinical Endpoints in Rare Disease Using Digital Health Technology: An Example with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (MNDA Symposium Scientific Poster)
Zorman et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Validation of open-source step-counting algorithms for wrist-worn tri-axial accelerometers in cardiovascular patients
Femiano et al.
Area of interest: Cardiovascular
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Accelerometer derived physical activity patterns in 27.890 middle-aged adults: The SCAPIS cohort study
EkBlom-Bak et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Comparison of free-living physical activity measurements between ActiGraph GT3X-BT and Fitbit Charge 3 in young people with haemophilia.
Matlary et al.
Area of interest: Hematology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Sensor Verification and Analytical Validation of Algorithms to Measure Gait and Balance and Pronation/Supination in Healthy Volunteers.
Ellis et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Comparison between ActiGraph GT3X and ActivPAL to assess sedentary behavior during the school period.
Barboza et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Children
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Comparing three wearable accelerometers to measure early activity after cardiac surgery
Brown et al.
Area of interest: Cardiology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Quantification of acceleration as activity counts in ActiGraph wearable
Neishabouri et al.
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Performance analyses of step-counting algorithms using wrist accelerometry
Pilkar et al.
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Treating insomnia symptoms with medicinal cannabis: a randomized, crossover trial of the efficacy of a cannabinoid medicine compared with placebo
Walsh et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Sensory-Evoked 40-Hz Gamma Oscillation Improves Sleep and Daily Living Activities in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients
Cimenser et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Evaluation of a Circadian Rhythm and Sleep-Focused Mobile Health Intervention for the Prevention of Accelerated Summer Weight Gain Among Elementary School–Age Children: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study
Moreno et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Children
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Effects of supervised exercise during adjuvant endocrine therapy in overweight or obese patients with breast cancer: The I-MOVE study.
Ormel et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Generation and validation of ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer cut-points for assessing physical activity intensity in older adults. The OUTDOOR ACTIVE validation study.
Bammann et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Evaluation of a Low-Cost Commercial Actigraph and Its Potential Use in Detecting Cultural Variations in Physical Activity and Sleep.
Topalidis et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Physical Activity and Perceived Health in People With Parkinson Disease During the First Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study From Sweden.
Leavy et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Physical activity profiles in Parkinson’s disease
von Rosen et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Continuous gait monitoring discriminates community-dwelling mild Alzheimer's disease from cognitively normal controls
Varma et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Gait & Balance
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Actigraphy informs distinct patient-centered outcomes in Pre-COPD
Chen et al.
Area of interest: Respirology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Upper Limb Performance in Daily Life Approaches Plateau Around Three to Six Weeks Post-stroke
Lang et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Pulsed, Inhaled Nitric Oxide at a Dose of 30 mg/kg Ideal Body Weight/hr in Subjects at Risk of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Pulmonary Fibrosis Receiving Oxygen Therapy
Nathan et al.
Area of interest: Respirology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Measurement of sedentary time and physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis: an ActiGraph and activPALTM validation study.
O'Brien et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Feasibility and Acceptability of Wearable Sleep Electroencephalogram Device Use in Adolescents: Observational Study.
Lungsford-Avery et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Adolescents
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Factors Associated with Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Patients with Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis
Haider et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
New-onset insomnia among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: prevalence, risk factors, and its correlation with other symptoms.
Hoang et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Feasilbility of Home Based Action Observation Training for Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study
Beaniet et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Prevalence and stability of insufficient sleep measured by actigraphy: a prospective community study
Ranum et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Children
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Evaluation of Wrist Accelerometer Cut-Points for Classifying Physical Activity Intensity in Youth.
Trost, Brookes & Ahmadi.
Area of interest: Healthy, Children
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
A Thorough Examination of Morning Activity Patterns in Adults with Arthritis and Healthy Controls Using Actigraphy Data.
Keogh et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Assessing Motor Function in Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Patients Using Accelerometry.
Lawal et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Effects of Morning Versus Evening Home-Based Exercise on Subjective and Objective Sleep Parameters in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Seol et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Beyond ambulation: Measuring physical activity in youth with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Killian et al.
Area of interest: Rare diseases
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Twelve weeks of treatment with empagliflozin in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: A double-blinded, randomized, and placebo-controlled trial
Jensen et al.
Area of interest: Cardiovascular
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Practical Machine Learning-Based Sepsis Prediction
Pettinati et al.
Area of interest: Hospitalized adults recovering from critical illness
Measurement domain: Vital signs
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Information on Bedtimes and Wake Times Improves the Relation Between Self-Reported and Objective Assessments of Sleep in Adults
St-Onge et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Accelerometry for remote monitoring of physical activity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a longitudinal cohort study.
van Eijk et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in women with rheumatoid arthritis: a comparison of patients with low and high disease activity and healthy controls.
Summers et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Validity of the Actigraph GT3X accelerometer in quantification of step count in hospitalised adults recovering from critical illness.
Anderson, Green & Yoward.
Area of interest: Hospitalized adults recovering from critical illness
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Validity of the accelerometer and smartphone application in estimating energy expenditure in individuals with chronic stroke
Faria et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Progression of physical inactivity in COPD patients: the effect of time and climate conditions – a multicenter prospective cohort study
Boutou et al.
Area of interest: Respirology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Observational Study of a Wearable Sensor and Smartphone Application Supporting Unsupervised Exercises to Assess Pain and Stiffness
Perrauding et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Short-term efficacy of a computer-tailored physical activity intervention for prostate and colorectal cancer patients and survivors: a randomized controlled trial.
Golsteijn et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Short-term efficacy of a computer-tailored physical activity intervention for prostate and colorectal cancer patients and survivors: a randomized controlled trial.
Golsteijn et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
RiseTx: testing the feasibility of a web application for reducing sedentary behavior among prostate cancer survivors receiving androgen deprivation therapy.
Trinh et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Validity and Reliability of the Wristband Activity Monitor in Free-living Children Aged 10−17 Years.
Yang et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Children
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Raw and Count Data Comparability of Hip-Worn ActiGraph GT3X+ and Link Accelerometers.
Montoye et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Validity of the Actigraph GT3x and influence of the sensor positioning for the assessment of active energy expenditure during four activities of daily living in stroke subjects
Compagnat et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Physical Activity Assessment with the ActiGraph GT3X and Doubly Labeled Water
Chromistek et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Sedentary behaviour is associated with increased long-term cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis independently of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
Fenton et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Understanding Environmental and Contextual Influences of Physical Activity During First-Year University: The Feasibility of Using Ecological Momentary Assessment in the MovingU Study.
Bedard et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Monitoring training activity during gait-related balance exercise in individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a proof-of-concept-study
Conradsson et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Methods to estimate aspects of physical activity and sedentary behavior from high-frequency wrist accelerometer measurements
Staudenmayer et al.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Objectively measured night-to-night sleep variations are associated with body composition in very elderly women
Kim et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Body Mass
Measurement domain: Sleep
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Subjective and objective levels of physical activity and their association with cardiorespiratory fitness in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Yu et al.
Area of interest: Rheumatology & Immunology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
The SBSM Guide to Actigraphy Monitoring: Clinical and Research Applications.
Ancoli-Israel et al.
Measurement domain: Sleep
Reliability of the Actigraph GT3X+ Accelerometer in Adults under Free-Living Conditions.
Aadland & Ylvisaker.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Validation of actiGraph GT3X accelerometers in collagen 6-related muscular dystrophy and LAMA2-related muscular dystrophy.
Meilleur et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Prospective Examination of Objectively Assessed Physical Activity and Sedentary Time after Breast Cancer Treatment: Sitting on the Crest of the Teachable Moment
Sabiston et al.
Area of interest: Oncology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Measuring reliability and validity of the ActiGraph GT3X accelerometer for children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility study
O'Neil et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Accuracy of StepWatch™ and ActiGraph Accelerometers for Measuring Steps Taken among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis.
Sandroff et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
ActiGraph GT3X determined variations in “free-living” standing, lying, and sitting duration among sedentary adults.
Barwais et al.
Area of interest: Obesity
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Clinical Outcome
Validation of the use of Actigraph GT3X accelerometers to estimate energy expenditure in full time manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury.
Garcia-Masso et al.
Area of interest: Neurology
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Translation equations to compare ActiGraph GT3X and Actical accelerometers activity counts.
Straker & Campbell.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Calibration of ActiGraph GT3X, Actical and RT3 accelerometers in adolescents.
Romanzini et al.
Area of interest: Healthy, Adolescents
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation
Validation and comparison of ActiGraph activity monitors.
Sasaki, John & Freedson.
Area of interest: Healthy
Measurement domain: Physical activity
Study Aim: Algorithm Validation