đź“Ł ActiGraph Acquires Biofourmis Life Science Business

Academic Research

ActiGraph digital health technology has been used on all six continents to objectively quantify physical activity, mobility, sedentary behavior, and sleep in thousands of population health and academic research studies.

Paving the Way to Improve Lives

The Global Leader in Physical Activity Measurement

ActiGraph is the most widely used medical-grade accelerometry monitoring system in the world, appearing in more than 24,000 published peer-reviewed scientific publications to date. Real world studies focused on a wide variety of therapeutic areas:



Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease








Sleep Disorders

Accurate, Reliable Wearable Technology

Trusted by over 2,000 universities and academic research organizations, ActiGraph wearable devices are consistently rated among the most accurate and reliable devices of their kind.

ActiGraph LEAP™

ActiGraph LEAP™  New 

Accelerometer, Temperature Sensor, PPG Sensor, Barometer, Gyroscope

CentrePoint Insight Watch and ActiGraph wGT3X-BT

CentrePoint® Insight Watch and ActiGraph wGT3X-BT

Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor, Temperature Sensor

Powerful, Flexible Software

We offer the flexibility of two powerful software platforms to meet the diverse needs of our academic research clients.

Researcher Using CentrePoint® Platform
CentrePoint icon


The cloud-based CentrePoint platform solves many of the operational and logistical challenges associated with large scale, multi-site research studies.

To simplify device deployment and reduce errors, studies are preconfigured and collected data uploaded remotely — providing the research team with near real-time information about wear compliance,participant activity and sleep behaviors.



Developed in collaboration with the academic research community, ActiLife legacy desktop software features a wide selection of validated scoring algorithms and data processing tools for maximum analytic flexibility.

Researcher using ActiLife®


Pioneering the Digital Transformation of Clinical Research™