📣 ActiGraph Acquires Biofourmis Life Science Business


Pioneering the Digital Transformation of Clinical Research

Our Vision

Innovative Technology Driving the Future of Clinical Research

Our vision is to increase regulatory approval of safe and effective treatments, helping to improve the health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide.

Clinically meaningful and patient-centric outcome measures are essential to advancing scientific research and drug development, but many conventional assessments leave gaps in our understanding of patient functioning. We work together with scientific, clinical research, and regulatory stakeholders develop fit-for-purpose digital health technology solutions. With high-precision data, we can unlock previously inaccessible insights with to create real-word impact and benefit people’s lives.

Woman Wearing ActiGraph LEAP™


Our Mission

We're Pioneering the Digital Transformation of Clinical Research

The potential of Digital Health Technology (DHT) to modernize clinical research is well understood, but the complexity in implementation and validation can be challenging. With our patient-centered digital trial platform and proven track record in developing digital endpoints that can be used in regulatory decision making, ActiGraph is the most trusted tech partner for the life science industry to truly unleash the potential of DHT.

Collaborative Team

Above all we are a team, and we are stronger together. We show up for each other and act with empathy and respect always. We bring our authentic selves to work every day.


We have an uncompromising focus on and enthusiasm for what we do. We are also responsible and accountable for everything we do!


We live our personal and professional lives with integrity! We seek to work with people with character. Clients trust us and our team believes in us because we build trust through honesty and transparency.


Our innovation isn’t limited to our technology - ActiGraph is an ongoing work in progress, and we’re always striving to be better.

Data Obsessed and Science Based

Data is not just what we deliver - it informs our decisions, which are based on scientific purpose.

ActiGraph Initiatives:
Empowering the Future of Healthcare

Local Support

Elevating Our Impact

We support local nonprofit organizations and causes that promote public health, healthcare, and educational opportunities, particularly in underserved populations.

Next Level

Taking It to the Next Level

In the quest for new and better treatments, the ActiGraph Digital Endpoint Accelerator Research (DEAR) Grant was created to help close the evidence gap and accelerate the use of digital endpoints in less healthy and less established clinical populations.

Advancing Research

Advancing Meaningful Research

The Digital Endpoint Collaboration to accelerate Outcome DEvelopment (DECODE) working groups are pre-competitive collaborations between ActiGraph and pharmaceutical companies that aim to develop digital measures for dermatology and obesity drug development programs.

Join the Team!


Data Driven. End-to-End Focused.

The three colorful dots within ActiGraph’s logo symbolize the core elements of our business. Each of these points chronicle our story and showcase the “end-to-end” services we offer, helping our customers navigate the journey from raw data to meaningful, patient-centric clinical outcomes.

Best in Class Technology

ActiGraph’s FDA-cleared wearable devices and trusted remote monitoring platform form the foundation on which we’ve built our reputation. As ActiGraph continues to grow in many areas, we will always prioritize providing reliable, state of the art digital health technologies (DHTs). The position of this point pays homage to our original logo and the history of our company.

Operational Excellence

Successful data collection can be complicated, but the cumulative experience and resources of our team means we’re prepared to help our clients overcome operational hurdles through all stages of clinical development. The position of this point references how ActiGraph's dedicated operations team always “dot the I’s and cross the T’s” to ensure the success of each clinical study.

Scientific Innovation

Perhaps the most innovative aspect of ActiGraph is our internal team of world-class scientists who are constantly working to improve algorithms and consult clients on fit-for-purpose DHT applications across a wide range of therapeutic areas. The position of this point references our disruption in the industry as we pioneer the digital transformation of clinical research.

Decades of Data Behind Us. Years of Data Ahead of Us.

What makes ActiGraph a leading digital health partner in the life science industry?

Applied Research Excellence

Since 2004, ActiGraph has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of motion-sensing wearable technology. Rooted in the rigors of the scientific research process, for over 20 years we have supported the translation of data into insights that support a better understanding of human health.

Operational Support Excellence

ActiGraph is the only provider of comprehensive training, study setup, device logistics management, data reporting and data archiving services. ActiGraph digital health technology solutions have been deployed in over 230 clinical drug trials to date, and they continue to pave the way for real-world remote data capture within this complex and highly regulated space.

End-to-End Customer Support

ActiGraph’s integrated data systems approach to clinical trials connects the dots between high-quality digital data and clinical benefits. Our market-leading digital health technology solutions provide flexible data capture and transfer configurations to support various study designs and methodologies, including a device-inclusive platform and decentralized trial capabilities.

World-Class Science Team

ActiGraph has built a world-class internal team of scientists that can support a study team throughout the trial lifecycle with services ranging from endpoint design and algorithm validation to biostatistical analysis and regulatory engagement.

Future-Proof Data and Transparency

We deliver future-proof raw-data that can be reprocessed indefinitely as new algorithms and analytic methods are developed. ActiGraph uses public algorithms developed by the scientific community – not proprietary “black box” equations – to convert raw data into a variety of validated, population-specific measures.

Recognized Industry Experts

Appearing in more than 24,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications, used in over 230 clinical trials, and available in over 150 countries, ActiGraph is the most widely used medical-grade DHT solution. ActiGraph’s wide adoption has generated extensive validation testing and key industry partnerships to give our customers access to a variety of algorithms that derive meaningful health-related outcome measures from high precision digital data.


Pioneering the Digital Transformation of Clinical Research